1. Cellular Automata and Cooperative Systems
Author: edited by Nino Boccara, Eric Goles, Servet Martinez, Pierre Picco.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Computational complexity.,Information theory.,Physics.
Classification :

2. Dissipative Phenomena in Condensed Matter
Author: by Sushanta Dattagupta, Sanjay Puri.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Physics.

3. Random operators :
Author: Michael Aizenman, Simone Warzel.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Order-disorder models.,Random operators.,Stochastic analysis.,Functional analysis -- Miscellaneous applications of functional analysis -- Applications in quantum physics.,Operator theory -- Special classes of linear operators -- Random operators.,Order-disorder models.,Probability theory and stochastic processes -- Stochastic analysis -- Random operators and equations.,Quantum theory -- General mathematical topics and methods in quantum theory -- Quantum mechanics on special spaces: manifolds, fractals, graphs, etc.,Quantum theory -- General mathematical topics and methods in quantum theory -- Selfadjoint operator theory in quantum theory, including spectral analysis.,Random operators.,Statistical mechanics, structure of matter -- Applications to specific types of physical systems -- Random media, disordered materials (including liquid crystals and spin glasses),Statistical mechanics, structure of matter -- Equilibrium statistical mechanics -- Disordered systems (random Ising models, random Schrödinger operators, etc.),Stochastic analysis.

4. Ten lectures on random media
Author: Bolthausen, Erwin, 5491-
Library: Library of Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (Tehran)
Subject: ، Stochastic processes,، Spin glasses
Classification :

5. Ten lectures on random media
Author: Bolthausen, Erwin
Library: Central Library of Sharif University of Technology (Tehran)
Subject: ، Stochastic processes,، Spin glasses
Classification :